The Idea of Carbon Capture

Since Steve and Laura spent a magical time living in Australia as newlyweds, it is very much a part of the lifeblood and free spirit behind Eco Wood Rings; so it seemed natural that a collection be created in honour of this vibrant country, showcasing some of its truly unique woods.

Luckily, we came across the golden formula to offset the future emissions during the shipping process to and from Australia’s idyllic shores: ever wondered how to simultaneously help purify the atmosphere and restore precious habitats to their natural glory? Well, never underestimate the power of a tree because the answer lies with carbon capture through reforestation.

The idea of carbon capture is so incredibly straightforward and yet so important. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, carbon capture is simply the process of removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in order to decelerate the rate of global warming and destructive climate change. Over the last century, the average surface temperature of the earth has increased by 1 degree Fahrenheit. This figure may sound insubstantial, but the increasingly extreme weather events – raging Australian bush fires for instance - which have occurred due to this change strongly suggest otherwise. To avoid crises such as mass climate migration, extinction and broad habitat loss, carbon capture is a scheme which provides great hope and a lifeline in preventing further damages.

Capturing carbon can be achieved through several different methods, many of which involve man-made technology to capture carbon from industrial plants and transport it to a deposit site. However, here at Eco Wood Rings, it makes most sense to participate in the Carbon Positive Australia programme (, where trees are the primary means of carbon capture. The programme works to restore Australia’s natural and indigenous ecosystems through planting trees, creating habitats for the native animals and providing long-term carbon sinks which remove large quantities of C02 from the atmosphere. A mature tree can in fact sequester approximately 48 pounds of carbon dioxide annually, so there can be no doubt over the effectiveness of nature’s homegrown remedies!