A Little More Than Music

Ben and Jess set off one early summer’s day in June for the dizzy heights of Glastonbury, hoping at best for clear skies and cracking music…. What they weren’t expecting however was to meet each other!⁠⁠

Five happy years later, Ben popped the question whilst away in Copenhagen and luckily for all involved, including us, she said yes.⁠⁠

Not long afterwards, Jess came across Eco Wood Rings whilst volunteering at Westonbirt Arboretum. She thought we sounded pretty cool and took it from there.⁠⁠

Creating the perfect wedding band for Ben was now the task at hand. Ideas were shared, kind permissions were granted, and Steve popped down to Glastonbury for the day to find the key ingredient… 

The finished product was made up of a combination of Welsh ash (Ben’s from Wales), willow (as their surname is now Willows) and the pièce de résistance… oak, hand sourced by Steve, from a tree growing near the Pyramid Stage where they’d met at Glastonbury!


1,2,3…. Awwww!! We love, love, LOVE such romantic details!!⁠⁠


Congratulations to you both, Ben and Jess, Team EWR send you warm wishes this autumn and hope you enjoy celebrating your first anniversary together!⁠⁠

If you're feeling inspired, have a look at our bespoke page for some more ideas to help you create your perfect, bespoke ring for any occasion. 

Alternatively you can fill in our design enquiry form and let us guide and inspire you further. We love nothing more than helping customers turn their ideas into reality!